Covid + Chemo + Cancer

“Have you had a cough? Feeling fatigued? Nausea?”

Yes, yes, and yes. I had chalked all of it up to chemo & radiation side effects, especially after speaking with my radiation oncology nurse last week, who brushed off my nascent cough.

Now, speaking with the medical oncologist, this was more likely to have been Covid. The side effects were not likely to have been as dramatic as these symptoms, this early on in treatment. However a mild case of Covid, combined with a newly-weakened immune system, would easily explain that. Occam’s razor, and all.

I do not take anything back however. I am still grateful for my breath, my cuddles, my wife, etc. This second Covid infection of mine kicked my ass all weekend. I had small, random bouts of feeling “okay” mixed with feeling like absolute shit. Eating, drinking, managing medications, it was all a challenge and now that I’m starting to feel better I know I can handle it. Well, Erin can handle it. I’m just along for the ride.

Medical Oncology

The past few days have entailed my initial consultations with my Medical Oncologist and Radiation Oncologist. They are the dynamic duo that will be attacking my cancer. The doctors said that cancer surgery on the neck area is “morbid” and “very invasive,” and that we are hoping to avoid that option. I shudder to think of what that entails. I’m sure there are YouTube videos on it, but I’m not typing that into the search bar.

I’m coming to learn lots of new jargon through this whole process — if there’s anything I’d like to contribute to modern medicine, is to help improve the communication to the general public. Medicine needs a science translator, its own Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I’ll put my name in that hat after these treatments are over.

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